Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So Friday I took Jessie to school and when we went outside to get in the car the passenger sliding door was open and then behind the car Jessie's flag football stuff was spread out on the ground. At first I thought we just forgot to close the door the night before but I didn't think we used that door and the flag football stuff being out of the car was weird. I checked Jessie's baseball bag (which was in the car) and all of his stuff was there so we got in the car and I took him to school.

Then today we get in the car and Andy went with us to story time at the library and the kids asked, "Where is the dvd player?" Andy thought I took it out and I did not remember thinking that it was messing on Friday when we noticed the car door...but it must have been stolen last Thursday night....I haven't had all the kids in my car to notice it was missing. I went to a local Pawn Shop to see if they got it and he told me I had to file a police report and asked if I had any serial #'s or anything which I don't...the kids movie Facing the Giants was in there too...I am so upset someone would come in and do that...though I know these are desperate times it still doesn't make it we will have to make sure our doors are locked ALL the time now.

1 comment:

Megan said...

That really sucks! I agree, times might be tough for some but that is no reason to take something from anyone if it doesn't belong to them!