So Andy and the kids wanted to do a Star Wars theme for Halloween. And our guy neighbors joined in with us and dressed up too. Here is a run down of characters....
Andy - Darth Maul - He asked me to make his robe and it was some work so I told him he has to find a character that requires a black robe for the next couple of Halloween's...haha He also had to shave his goatee and Noah didn't understand where Andy's goatee went and why when he woke up this morning his goatee wasn't Josh also did Andy's makeup and did an amazing job!
Carrie - Padmé Naberrie - my neighbor Annette helped me curl my thanks Annette!
Jessie - Jedi Jessie....he was at his dad's for Halloween
Joshua - Chewbacca-Joshua originally was going to be Darth Maul but we found this Chewbacca costume on sale for 50% off so we had to get took some convincing though...but everyone loved it when we went trick or treating...
Noah - Yoda - he was perfect for Yoda...he even was trying to fight with the light sabers with our neighbor kid, who was a Star Wars character too...and we had to call Noah off...he was taking his Yoda character to heart...and was putting the smack down..haha
Wesley - Darth Sidious
Josh - Darth VadorHere are pics of the night...not to many since my camera didn't work right.... Also we didn't tell either of the kids to pose and they just did their own poses and it was funny...