Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jessie turns 9!

It has been 9 short years since I had my 1st born...and it has been the best 9 years of my life!


You are turning into such a wonderful young man that makes us so proud to call you our son! You do so well in school. At your parent teacher conference your teacher had nothing but good things to say about you. One story was about a boy in your class that was going home crying everyday b/c he was being picked on at recess. She said that you offered for that boy to play with you and your friends and his mom called the teacher bragging about a boy named Jessie and Max that has made her son so much happier at school. Your teacher also said that you are a leader in your class, everyone wants to be on your team, and you encourage your classmates when they are down. You are good at whatever you put your mind too and what a blessing from God to be able to have so much talent in one person. We are excited to watch you grow into a young man. We hope that the most successful thing you do is to have a personal relationship with God and make Him your top priority and then everything else in your life will fall into place...

We love you!

Here are pics of Jessie and our neighbors yesterday when we celebrated Jessie's bday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jessie!!
Way to go big 9!!

Chris, Dana, Shaylin, and Elijah