Monday, October 13, 2008

Jessie's 5th Game

So if you have been keeping up with Jessie's Games then you may notice that I skipped game 4. Last week they started playing and the game got rained out so it has been rescheduled for later this month. Jessie did make a touch down in that game so they will start where they left off for the make up game. This week we played the Sooners. I have a funny story about one of the Sooner players that approached a teammate of Jessie's on Friday at school and said that, "The Buccaneers are bad! And their undefeated strike ends tomorrow!" Andy told Jessie we do our smack talking on the field. Watch the video to see who won. So we have our video camera set up on a tri-pod now to take video so the quality is much better! Andy wanted to make this video so here it is....

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