Monday, January 26, 2009

AHHHH Peace and Quiet

So this weekend Andy had to do some computer work in Cabot and he took the boys with him to my mom's since they hadn't seen each other in a while. And I stayed home and CLEANED! That's right I had the whole house to myself and I cleaned....sad isn't it. But it needed to be done and now I can relax. The boys ended up staying the night so I was able to go the the grocery store that I kept putting off for the last 4 days. And then I was able to do some work from home on the school website. So sadly enough I didn't really do anything exciting but I did get a lot done which is important for my mental state of mind..........though when everyone came home it seriously took them less then 5 minutes for them to make the living room look like someone robbed me but didn't take anything. So needless to say we had a family meeting to clarify a few things and so far they have done a good job about cleaning up there messes. So thanks hubby, mom, and in laws for helping with the kids so I can get my house in order!

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