Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's 2009

So for New Year's we had Josh and April over and they stayed the night with us and we played Canasta and ate Steaks and the fixings to go with it. We had fun but I was ready for bed. The next day I went to Cabot and stayed the night with my mom and we had our girl cousins and my aunt come over to eat and play games. I had a fun time and it was nice to have a break from the kids for awhile. :) Also, Andy's parents watched the boys for us the next night so that was a nice break too.

I am excited about the new year and I am not making any resolutions because I never stick to them but there are a few things I would like to work on for the new year. So hopefully I might accomplish a few of them! I am glad we are getting back into a routine again after the holidays...I was getting to the point that I didn't know what day it was...everyday seemed like Saturday!...LOL The bummer is that Andy was suppose to be off for 2 weeks but he ended up working A LOT. Due to a server problem at one of the schools. So I am glad that is over! I hope everyone has a great 2009 and blessings to all!

On a side note...I have been entering daily to win the HGTV Dream Home Giveaway. But I haven't mentioned it to anyone. Well Joshua likes to pray before we eat and the last couple of days he says, "thank you for our houses and our tvs"...which is funny because we only have 1 house with 1 tv...haha maybe he is thanking God in advance for us winning the Dream Home...lol...wouldn't that be nice...

1 comment:

Renee said...

Hi! I always make New Years resolutions and never stick to them, so I have the same ones year after year! I can talk Walgreens anytime, I love talking about coupons!