Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's been going on!

Well it has been awhile since I posted so this one is an update.

I got to have some "me" time 2 weekends ago. My friend April and I went to eat at a Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar one night after she got off work and then we got pedicure's the next afternoon. Which was nice since it had been this past summer that I had my last one.

Then this past weekend Andy's parents watched the boys on Saturday afternoon until Sunday so we were able to go see Mall Cop...too funny! and then we ate at a different Japanese Steakhouse to be a trend with me lately.

And last week we sat down and made a budget for us for the 1st time since we have been married and I actually like having a budget. So I am looking forward to this year being the beginning steps of "we don't owe any man but to love him" year.

Baseball sign ups is already here so we will have 2 boys playing baseball again this year...I just hope that this year Joshua (who will be 5 this Tuesday 1-27) takes it more seriously and actually plays ball and doesn't act like the ball field is a big sandbox like he did last year or that his glove is a hat or a ball that you throw high in the air and catch and that wrestling with your own teammates for the ball can be considered counter productive in the game of baseball....and some may say it is "cute" but I could have bought him a sand box that sings, dances, and teaches kids their alphabet for the price I paid for him to play in the sand at the ball you get where I going with this...anyway hopefully it won't be that way this year!

Jessie got on the Honor Roll this semester and he got a Best Writer Award plus a free kids meal at Colton's Steakhouse...

Jessie accepting his honor roll award

Noah has speech therapy twice a week and one day a week his therapist comes to the house. So the night before she came last week he didn't feel good and actually had a fever so we let him sleep in the living room on a mattress. And he wanted to wear his Cars underwear but he already had on his pajamas. So he put his underwear on the outside of his pjs and I took a pictures of it b/c his therapist thought it was too cute...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic. Everyone needs time away. Especially a mom!
By the way. . . I like the new look on the blog. Have a great week.