Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jessie's First Football Game '08

So Jessie's team played the Gators who was undefeated last year....and won 28-0. They did awesome! Jessie got within 1/2 a yard to score his own touch down. He carried the ball 3 times and always got a first down and on one play he went 10 yards zig zagging through the line with the other team holding on to him and then getting free and then juking them and making them miss....it was crazy...I kept thinking oh they got him...because there was a pause and I couldn't see him and then all of a sudden you'd see him take off again... and I didn't get it on video either!...in fact I remembered my camera and took video but I was so busy watching him, screaming my excitement, and jumping up and down that I was not looking through the video camera so it turned out choppy, bouncy, and with shots of the sky and ground that I really don't have much to show you....hopefully next week I will do a better job of filming or have someone else take video instead. I think and may be wrong but the Gators only got 1 first down the whole game...it was awesome! I can't wait until next Saturday. So I attempted at making a movie and it has 2 videos but its choppy...one is Jessie running the ball for the first time this season after half time and getting 35 yards....and I was running and trying to video tape at the same time to keep up with him....the video is bad....and the other is him tackling one of the Gators who is pretty fast when he was playing defense...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job on the video!! Even though it is a bit shaky, I could still see everything. Nice work! Tell Jesse "Great Job" and give him a big hug from me!!
Love ya-