Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I've been tagged

I was tagged by Pastor Susan on her blog. I have to post the rules which are to write 6 random things about myself. Then I have to tag 6 other people who have to do the same thing I did.

My 6 random things are…

1. I am an in the closet Hula Hooper...I can do tricks and dance while hooping.

2. I went to school in Mexico as a student through my college for 2 months to study Spanish.

3. When I was 5/6 years old I wanted to have 10 kids, get married, and find someone...in that order.

4. I have always wanted to learn to dance the Salsa.

5. I have been able to ski and knee board since I was 8 and haven't done it since I was 16.

6. My husband makes me a chocolate chip cookie almost every night before I go to bed and brings it to me with a frost mug of milk and he tucks me in bed every night...while calling me SPOILED in a loving tone...LOL...which I am...

So I am tagging...Maranda K., Amanda Browning, Monica F., Dana W., Andy M., and Carrie Burress...if you don't have a blog then put it in my comment section...


Anonymous said...

Well done Carrie!!! Miss you girl!

Anonymous said...

I've been tagged. So I am posting the rules which are to write 6 random things about myself and then tag 6 other people to do the same.
Here goes. . .
1) I am attending my 10 year class reunion this year.
2) I love to spend time with my family. (Road trips, shopping trips, or just cooking out at home.)
3) I love doing yardwork. I would much rather be outside working than inside working.
4) I indulge in "me time" by escaping to Walmart after the kids go to bed on nights when Chris is home.
5) I am determined to become a more organized person by the time I am 30!!
6) I am addicted to the television show "The Biggest Loser".

I am tagging Ron A., Brenda, April, Onye, Tina W., and Grandma Anderson

- by Dana

Anonymous said...

Carrie...isn't it time for a new blog entry? I'm waiting.... :)